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Meet Computomics at the 12th RMI Conference in Rome, 5-8 March 2024

Computomics at RMI Conference

The 12th RMI Conference is representing the worldwide supply chain for brewing, malting and distilling products and services.

Computomics applies AI to bioinformatics data to enable rapid understanding of genomics and drive advanced agriculture solutions.

How can we adapt barley for different regions of the world? What is the impact of climate? How can we develop varieties with grain yield consistency?

We support you in tackling these questions and help you in developing high performing varieties with advantageous traits for both growers and brewers – balancing different supply chain needs when developing new varieties.

⨉SeedScore® integrates genomic, phenotypic, and environmental data using advanced technology to navigate gene and trait interactions, accelerate genetic gain, and provide accurate performance predictions to directly address current and future climate challenges. We are here to help breeders navigate complex challenges with unique insights and clear direction for fast, adaptive breeding solutions

Join the industry leading networking event and meet Computomics at the 12th RMI Conference. Juan, Patrizia and Vesna are looking forward to meeting you!

Dr. Juan Manuel Montes

Dr. Juan Manuel Montes,
Senior Plant Breeding Expert

Patrizia Ricca,
Product Manager xSeedScore

Vesna Tabakovic

Vesna Tabakovic,
Agricultural Advisor


All details of the congress can be found here.

In case you want to dive deeper into the world of barley with us listen to our barley podcasts or webinar.

Podcast: Diving into the world of barley, with Brent Athill, managing director of RMI Analytics GmbH

Podcast: "Better Barley" - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting farmers, with Matthias Nachtmann, Sustainability Business Development Lead at BASF

Webinar: Precision Barley Breeding for Sustainable, High-Quality Varieties.

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